The team of specialists in this area is composed of the firm's economists economists and accounting experts: a total of 10 professionals provide accounting guidance to clients.
Our team fosters a transversal and multidisciplinary vision to approach complex issues across different legal matters. They apply the legal provisions, doctrine and jurisprudence that must be borne by all entrepreneurs so that these can properly manage their business.
One of our hallmarks at ESCOEM is the technical qualification of our experts. They are able to adapt to different business contexts thanks to the multidisciplinary nature and the experience of our firm, factors which allow us to advise companies operating in most business sectors.
- Principles and Rules of the Spanish General Accounting Plan
- Accounting Treatment
- Corporate Groups and Financial Consolidation
- Bookkeeping
- Economic and Financial Reports
Accounting principles are a set of general rules that serve as a guide to formulate criteria for valuing assets and reporting a company's assets and economic factors.
We analyse, from a technical perspective, the accounting treatment applied to the transactions and legal actions conducted by the company and apply the accounting rules and principles specified in the Spanish Royal Decree 1514/2007.
The correct interpretation of the accounting standards allows us to prepare orderly and transparent accounts that faithfully reflect the true state of the company. Our work method is based on the continuous analysis of accounts to optimise decision making and business management. We also provide guidance on accounting issues related to bankruptcy proceedings and other branches of law.
We offer accounting advisory services to manage complex transactions that require external support from experts due to their characteristics, activities and resources. An effective accounting approach minimises tax risks and contingencies. In addition, it generates accurate accounting and financial information.
ESCOEM provides accounting consultancy services to SMEs, large enterprises and consolidated groups, affiliated companies and companies facing bankruptcy proceedings. We prepare and supervise the accounting treatment of all types of business transactions and comply with the statutory accounting requirements. We also prepare and present both abridged and consolidated annual accounts.
We assist our clients in the application of the most appropriate accounting consolidation systems and supervise the accounting treatment of intra-group transactions. We also outline and programme transfer pricing policies by assessing and determining the market value of affiliate company transactions.
Every entrepreneur must maintain an orderly accounting system, one that suitably reflects the activity of his or her company. It must also allow the chronological tracking of all operations and the regular preparation of balance sheets and inventories.
ESCOEM offers accounting outsourcing services to companies that require external support due to their characteristics, activities and resources. This service, fully transparent for the entrepreneur, allows him or her to properly manage the business. We offer the following services in this area:
Bookkeeping Preparation of financial statements Account analysis (assets, liabilities adn equity) Design of accounting reports AuditThe business world has heightened the level of requirements, meaning that a company’s financial statements must be more efficient and transparent. ESCOEM focuses on providing financial analysis and information to help corporate decision making, improve efficiency and enhance the position of the company. This ultimately fosters business value.
We help you design and implement suitable financial systems to achieve your goals by transforming your company's operating model. We focus our efforts on improving your performance and productivity. Our experts hold extensive experience and deliver a multidisciplinary approach that will help you overcome the daily challenges faced by a business.
We monitor and promote sound business management We boost your business and strengthen the decision-making process. We run a cost audit to ensure business efficiency
Javier Linares Jiménez
Senior Advisor

José García Tejada
Senior Advisor

José M. Peregrina Solbes

Juan Santos Simón

José Luis Campoy Morales

José Antonio Márquez Jiménez

Lydia Molina Sánchez

Ignacio Peña Gómez

Antonio Martinez Huertas